We aim to raise European citizens who are aware of the environmental problems facing the world, who know how to solve these problems and who are environmentally conscious
Digital Herbarium
Get ready to explore the amazing world of plants from Croatia, Serbia and Slovakia! Children created a special digital collection just for you – so jump right in and start discovering.

General objectives
Our objective is to nurture European citizens who understand global environmental issues. We want them not just to recognize these challenges, but also understand how they can help solve these problems and actively work towards being more eco-friendly in their lives!
01. Teach children to appreciate nature and being outdoors
Are you looking for ways to help your students break away from the learning in classroom and appreciate the beauty of nature? Look no further! Teaching children about Mother Nature and why being outdoors is beneficial can help them foster an appreciation for all that nature has to offer. Not only will this provide them with valuable experiences, but it also encourages exploration and creative thought. In this webstie, we’ll explain how teachers can go about teaching their students about enjoying being in the great outdoors. From observing wildlife to connecting with plants, there are lots of fun activities available which will help kids develop a real appreciation for what nature has created.
02. Demonstrate how appreciating nature can be done through documenting it digitally
If you’re looking for a unique way for your students to engage with nature, consider introducing them to the concept of documenting it digitally. Documenting nature is an excellent opportunity for your students to appreciate and observe their surroundings in new ways. Not only does this approach make learning more interesting, but it can also lead to life-long connections between people and the natural environment. In this website, we will discuss how teachers can use technology to get their students outside and connecting with nature through digital documentation.
03. Develop green skills for teachers and children
As teachers, we play an important role in leading our students to become fully engaged global citizens who are pro actively aware and involved with protecting their environment. While there are many ways to teach green skills in the classroom and workplace, it’s essential that teachers build from a firm foundation of knowledge around sustainable practices to pass on this important lesson. By developing green skills for teachers and children, we can empower future generations with the power of knowledge and positivity as they work together to ensure quality life for all people now, and future generations too.
About us
Three European organisations from Croatia, Serbia and Slovakia recently joined forces to create an amazing cooperation partnership! We are working together towards common goals that benefit all three countries.